The Top Health Benefits of ZOM Mushroom Tea: Reishi Rose

Like the Reishi Red tea blend, our Reishi Rose mushroom tea blend is made primarily from reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum), and is supplemented with dried lemon slices, rose petals, and rose hips for a more mellow flavor. Reishi mushrooms have medicinal properties, and when combined with other healing ingredients, make for a powerful restorative tea. Reishi are classified as an adaptogen, which is a term for plants and mushrooms that aid the human body in maintaining homeostasis. Read on to learn more about how our Reishi Rose mushroom tea blend can be a great addition to your diet to target inflammation and even improve your skin health. This article will focus on the benefits of the ingredients in the mushroom tea that have the most scientific evidence and study behind them.

Reishi mushrooms contain compounds that target inflammation. When ingested, the active ingredient in reishi, ganoderic acid, activates immune response cells (in particular, B cells and T lymphocytes). In turn, these cells produce cytokines, which are small proteins that signal for immune and inflammation responses in the body (Bhardwaj et al, 2014). The anti-inflammatory properties of ingesting reishi is why adding a mushroom tea to your diet is a good idea if you live in regions with smoke and wildfire pollution.

Lemons are naturally high in vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy and balanced diet. Vitamin C is especially recognized for its role in maintaining a healthy immune system, reducing the severity of allergic reactions, and helping to fight off infection. It is also an antioxidant, and used as a therapeutic treatment for several diseases and disorders.

Rose petals and hips are high in vitamin E. This vitamin is the major antioxidant involved in protecting your skin from photoaging (Nachbar & Korting, 1995), which is a term for premature skin aging resulting from exposure to the sun . Experiments with vitamin E have also shown this compound to have skin-barrier stabilizing properties–the skin barrier is your outermost layer of skin, and protects your body from being penetrated by environmental toxins and pathogens (Healthline).

It’s important to note that when brewing medicinal mushroom tea, the process is different than the average tea-drinker may be used to. To get the most out of our tea blends, be sure to steep your tea for a full 60 minutes. This period of time allows for the mushrooms to break down and increase the bioavailability of compounds for ingestion.

It’s important to note that when brewing medicinal mushroom tea, the process is different than the average tea-drinker may be used to. To get the most out of our tea blends, be sure to steep your tea for a full 60 minutes. This period of time allows for the mushrooms to break down and increase the bioavailability of compounds for ingestion.

Finally, Bashira Muhammad weighs in on her personal experience with drinking Reishi Rose mushroom tea: Reishi Rose is the most light and mild tea we make. It is my favorite of the teas when chilled. The chilled tea sips like a rose lemonade with a healthy dose of anxiety relief. When the tea is hot, it’s more like a white tea. You can find me at most summer events with a compostable cup of chilled or iced Reishi Rose.

Medicinal properties found within the Reishi Rose tea blend according to each ingredient.


Cleveland Clinic, Adaptogens.

Bhardwaj et al, 2014. “Suppression of inflammatory and allergic responses by pharmacologically potent fungus Ganoderma lucidum.” Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery. DOI: 10.2174/1872213x08666140619110657

Chambial et al, 2013. “Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview.” Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s12291-013-0375-3

Nachbar & Korting, 1995. “The role of vitamin E in normal and damaged skin.” Journal of Molecular Medicine.

Healthline, What to Know About Your Skin Barrier and How to Protect It.



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